In cooperation with, Telos wants to automate the distribution of anonymous virus test kits using block chain. Automation knows no limits in corona times. In Germany, there is a fierce debate about so-called corona apps. Meanwhile, is creating a company that specialises in the distribution of block chain technology. Telos Foundation announced on media that an international team of software developers is currently designing a block chain protected app to stop the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. Looking at a potentially repressive treatment of corona infected people, the app is primarily aimed at citizens of autocratic regimes.

The goal is to develop the system in a way that users can remain anonymous. If you have symptoms such as coughing, you can ask the Agerona App for test kit sources in the region and have them sent to you. Users take a sample according to instructions and send it to a test lab. Instead of the name of the person who may be infected the laboratory receives a barcode, which is linked to the blcokchain identity of the potentially infected person. Telos assures that this system allows a perfect allocation of samples without revealing personal data.  This plan would prevent people with symptoms from staying away from the government for fear of repressive measures.