Sustainable Blockchain Initiative for Mining and Metals

Using the Blockchain process, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and seven major mining and metals companies intend to work together to develop responsible procurement and sustainability. Rather than acting individually, the initiative aims to promote industry-wide trust through mutual cooperation, eliminate insufficient standardisation and prevent fragmentation of the sector.

2019-12-30T15:41:21+00:00October 28th, 2019|economic|

BTC with 9.6 billion US dollars per day “in good shape”

According to new calculations, the BTC has transferred assets worth USD 11 trillion since the block chain was first commissioned in 2009. An indication that the largest crypto currency is still one step ahead of its competitors. The network currently processes around 9.6 billion US dollars a day. At this rate, Bitcoin exceeds PayPal's

2019-12-30T15:41:43+00:00October 27th, 2019|market news|

Blockchain Technology

Not much longer and the blockchain technology grows into a monster that is driving its madness through the cities. According to the latest results of the recently published "Blockchain Spectrum" by Gartner Consulting, the blockchain technology is in the second of four phases. Essential blockchain-based applications have already been developed, while the integration of

2019-12-30T15:42:11+00:00October 25th, 2019|market news|

No one wants to miss the leap forward in digital currency development

The central banks of Canada and the USA are planning to introduce a digital currency in response to the growing interest in cryptotechnology. Crypto currencies are a thorn in the side of the banks as they undermine their financial authority as they reach more and more consumers. Therefore, banks want to jump on the

2019-12-30T15:45:21+00:00October 18th, 2019|market news|

Advantages of a block chain

Wer sich uneinig ist, ob Blockchain für seine Firma nützlich sein wird, kann sich hierdurch eine eigene Meinung bilden. Ganz klare Vorteile sind folgende: If you disagree on whether Blockchain will be useful for your company, you can form your own opinion. Very clear advantages are the following: • Decentralisation: All participants have

2019-12-30T15:45:43+00:00October 15th, 2019|market news|

How Blockchain could replace notaries

Notarising legal transactions of any kind is the basic work of a notary. The legal effect of a purchase contract only becomes effective through notarial certification. The aim of blockchain is to make the manipulation of transactions or the falsification of data impossible. This technology could be a substitute for the notary. Each entry,

2019-12-30T15:47:24+00:00October 11th, 2019|market news|

“IT should adapt to processes, not processes to IT”

How does digitisation really change the world of work? There is great concern that advanced technologies will require fewer workers. However, while many manual activities can be replaced by robots, this does not necessarily mean layoffs. Because the machines must still be operated and controlled. Computers are more and more able to take over

2019-12-30T15:47:37+00:00October 7th, 2019|market news|

How does the Blockchain change logistics processes? More reliability and transparency

The block chain has the ability to bring about huge changes in logistics, which go beyond "normal" digitisation. The innumerable replication of data along the block chain network guarantees an unimaginably high availability. Instead of a central server, which manages the supply chain data, decentralised distribution across multiple computers leads to enormous reliability. The

2019-12-30T15:48:04+00:00October 4th, 2019|market news|
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