SBG is planning various projects on the subject of investment and sustainability for the future

The Melipona bee, which produces the raw honey, suffers great damage to its survival by the destruction of the ecosystem. As a result, more and more, especially young indigenous people have to leave the honey sector.

What is the task?

  • Identification of an ecohumanist and parallel economic solution taking into account the:
  • Securing the future of the people while safeguarding their indigenous status
  • Careful use of the rainforest, preservation of biodiversity
  • Product development on site with the highest possible added value and simultaneous economic efficiency
  • Project development and establishment of production of indigenous medicinal honey directly on site

The indigenous people are experts in beekeeping and beekeeping. They use the small bees of the Melipona race, a stingless mini-bee. This bee, during its pollination process, in conjunction with the unique plant diversity and certain flowers and tree species in this area of the rainforest, produces an enzyme in honey that leads to a healing reaction when ingested or applied externally, known as MGO.