Despite joint efforts to reach the 1.5 degree Celsius target, the propellant gas-like conditions on Earth are worsening immensely. Concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are increasing, while continuing to cause a growing energy imbalance in the atmosphere between the incoming solar radiation and the reflection from the Earth. Thanks to an international study by the University of Graz (with Gottfried Kirchengast as team leader), which looked at the issue of the accumulation of excess heat energy, the researchers were able to identify worrying results.

Kirchengast’s research group is one of the leading international groups in the field of climate observation in the atmosphere, and is gaining access to satellite-based radio-opulation or quality weather balloon probes. Kirchengast has now discovered that the earth is currently absorbing an average of about 0.9 joules of additional energy per square metre every second. With an earth’s surface of 510 million square kilometres, that would be an annual surplus of around 14 trillion gigajoules. That is more than twenty times the world’s energy consumption. “This is rapidly driving global warming and climate change with all its consequences,” said Kirchengast. These 14 trillion gigajoules are consumed 90 percent in the oceans, five percent on land and three percent by melting ice. “Only” two percent go into the atmosphere, but this has devastating consequences for people. This is because the energy in the atmosphere can lead to weather and climate extremes. According to Kirchengast, the only option is a massive reduction of the energy imbalance through emission reductions in line with the Paris climate goals.

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