What is a crypto wallet?

To store crypto currency you need a so-called Wallet. This is an electronic wallet, which is not only available for crypto currency - PayPal basically also provides us with a web-based eWallet. There are special wallets that have some special features. Wallets can be stored on your own device (PC, smartphone, tablet) or managed by

2020-04-09T14:49:36+00:00April 13th, 2020|market news|

The Blockchain refrigerator

In cooperation with Austria's largest energy supplier, Bosch has developed a block-chain refrigerator. The companies rely on Ethereum for this. The device was introduced a year ago. The manufacturers want to use the project to increase general interest in DLT and help users choose a sustainable energy source. Thanks to Blockchain, users have the option

2020-04-09T14:47:41+00:00April 12th, 2020|market news|

Why are there crypto currencies?

Bitcoin was the first crypto currency with the goal of creating a payment system that works without financial institutions. This should enable consumers a certain degree of informational self-determination and anonymity. Crypto-currencies can be used for much more than just financial transactions, as they provide a secure, fast and cost-efficient alternative for the transmission of

2020-04-09T14:45:36+00:00April 10th, 2020|market news|

Holes in the supply chain: World Economic Forum sees Blockchain as a solution

The effects of the coronavirus on the global value chain could be mitigated with decentralized technology. The coronavirus pandemic affects not only people but also supply chains. Goods currently have greater freedom of movement than people, but this is of little help if a link in the chain has to close due to a corona

2020-04-15T09:29:54+00:00April 9th, 2020|market news|

What are Fiat currencies?

The currency in the market today is called fiat money. It is money issued by a country's central bank and traded as a legal, officially recognized medium of exchange. The basis for a currency to work at all is the acceptance of it. If the transaction and purchase means function is given, the full acceptance

2020-04-16T13:54:19+00:00April 6th, 2020|market news|

The pandemic could accelerate the introduction of central bank crypto currency

"The COVID 19 pandemic will bring an end to cash and accelerate the introduction of digital banking services, including central bank crypto currencies," said Edwin Bautista, CEO of UnionBank. In the Philippines in particular, the pandemic poses challenges for people to deliver banknotes and distribute them to islands and ATMs. The most sensible option is

2020-04-08T09:04:34+00:00April 6th, 2020|market news|

Taxation of cryptocurrencies

In Germany, crypto-currencies are not legal tender, they are classified as private money by the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF). They are thus similar to external effects, which is why no value-added tax is payable on exchange and trade. In general, speculation and the associated sale of crypto-currencies is basically a private sale transaction. Whether

2020-04-16T14:30:36+00:00April 5th, 2020|market news|
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