10% of all Americans invest in crypto assets

According to a recent survey, one in ten Americans invests in cryptocurrencies. Moreover, half of the respondents only started investing within the last year. The newcomers are also those who trust Bitcoin in particular to gain in value. Almost half of crypto-investors cite the majority of ways to buy and sell cryptocurrencies easily as the

2021-09-02T09:36:49+00:00September 2nd, 2021|economic, market news|

EU invests in the promotion of rare earths

China is currently a pioneer in the export of rare earths. However, the EU wants to change this as soon as possible. Currently, nine out of ten imported permanent magnets that are installed in electric cars come from China. These permanent magnets are particularly attractive to manufacturers because they require little electricity. Rare earths are

2021-08-31T15:14:18+00:00August 31st, 2021|market news|


Blockchain technology is often portrayed as a climate sinner – yet the key technology can also make an important contribution to the energy transition! This is characterised by the secure and permanent recording of permanently retrievable data. Thanks to its ability to record data invariably, the blockchain has enormous potential for environmental protection. For example,

2021-08-26T16:17:33+00:00August 26th, 2021|market news|

Surveyin the financial industry on blockchain and co.

In a survey conducted by the big-for-audit firm Deloitte, the so-called “2021 Global Blockchain Survey”, 1,280 professionals from the financial sector were asked about blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Participants came from Brazil, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Great Britain and the United States. Around 73% of respondents expressed concern

2021-08-24T17:28:00+00:00August 24th, 2021|market news|

Blockchain used for law enforcement!

Cybercrime is one of the biggest law enforcement challenges today. Personnel must be constantly increased and trained to keep up with new technologies. Investigators are now relying on blockchain technology. Austrian Albert Sperl is an expert in cybercrime. In 2014, he specialized in blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. He founded a company that aims to support

2021-08-23T10:03:12+00:00August 23rd, 2021|market news|

First internet hospital based on blockchain

For the first time, blockchain technology is being applied in the medical field. However, data protectionists are concerned about it. Blockchain technology is experiencing total hype, but the implementation of the corresponding projects continues to be delayed, especially in Europe. China, on the other hand, recognised the potential of the new technology early on and

2021-08-20T12:46:27+00:00August 20th, 2021|economic, market news|

Bitcoin better than gold investments in the future?

Bitcoin is often referred to as “digital gold. ” The two investments certainly have many similar advantages, which make them excellent stores of value. In some aspects, Bitcoin is even superior to gold, even if the necessary confidence in the cryptocurrency is lacking. The BTC is above all counterfeit-proof, and its mantra is “Don’t trust;

2021-08-19T15:13:26+00:00August 19th, 2021|economic, market news|

Family invests all assets in Bitcoin

“The Bitcoin Family” documents their life on several social media platforms. The family are from the Netherlands and crypto millionaires who travel all over the world. As Bitcoin slowly but steadily gained value in 2017, they decided to invest all their assets in cryptocurrency. They even sold the house and their cars. At that time, Bitcoin cost

2021-08-16T12:54:19+00:00August 16th, 2021|market news|
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