Attractive securities trading

The financial sector in particular is currently benefiting from the growing blockchain technology. Trading in securities should also run digitally in the future. The process of transferring securities goes through several processes and instances, making the process prone to error, costly and far too complex. Blockchain technology simplifies processes and breaks them down into a

2021-02-04T10:45:58+00:00February 4th, 2021|market news|

Blockchain on the way to a breakthrough

Companies, startups, as well as nonprofits are poised to go to market with blockchain-based products in greater numbers in 2021. The pandemic has ensured that there are always massive disruptions in global supply chains. This is one of the reasons why reshoring is now increasingly being considered. Reshoring means the repatriation of foreign production to

2021-02-01T15:54:03+00:00February 1st, 2021|market news|
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